Hello my dear students! I'm here to tell you how to continue with the process of teaching and learnig during these difficult times we're undergoing. 
I'll be delivering activities which you can solve in your student's books or workbooks but you have to send a photo of the activities you've done to my mail: noeliairadis@gmail.com  and I'll give you feedback during our class period:Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:30 to 16:10.
Here are Class 1 and 2. As we're just beginning to use this site, I'll wait for you to send your homework until FRIDAY 20th,  17:00. 

(note: the answers for the activities I ask you to do are below each activity, but PLEASE, try no to take a look at them before you do the activity yourself. I TRUST YOU!)
  •  Do you remember that last class we talked about sounds and pronunciation? ok, work with activities 2a and b page 4. 
  • Now, listen and check if your answers were correct ...

If your answers to excercise b were: 
1. spicy
2. breakfast
3. prawns
4. warm
5. roast
6. boiled
7. food
8. duck
...you were RIGHT!!!
  • But now you have to draw the correct symbols for the letters in red.   
Listening and speaking:
  • Do activity 3a. 
  • Listen (click on the underlined rubric in blue below)
  • The correct options are:
Speaker A: 4
Speaker B: 2
Speaker C: 1
Speaker D: 5
Speaker E: 3

  • Work on activities 4 a to f on page 5. Write your answers on your folder and send me a photo of it to my mail. 
  • Look up any important words you don't know in a dictionary and study them because they may appear in your final exam.

  • Page 4 activity 1 and page 5 act. 2 Workbook. 
  • Study new vocabulary.

Hello! welcome to our second class...

  • We are going to revise vocabulary. Classify the following words into MEAT (M) , FRUIT (F),  VEGETABLE (V) , WAYS OF COOKING(C). (If you have any doubt check page 152 student's book)

1. pear:____________                   2. grapes: __________
3. grilled: __________                  4. prawns: __________
5. mussels: _________                  6. peppers: __________
7. steamed:_________                   8. squid: ____________
9. roast: ___________                   10. boiled: ___________
11. cherries: ________                  12. peach: ___________
13. courgette: _______                  14. beef: ____________
15. baked: __________                 16. raspberries: _______
17. lamb: ___________                 18. seafood: _________
19. beetroot: _________                20. aubergine: ________

  • What do these expressions mean? explain with your own words:
1. To eat out:
2. To cut down on:
3. To cut out:

  • GREAT! Now let's got to student's book (SB) page 6. Think about act. a and read about Steve Anderson. 

  • Do  act. b and c with this audio:

If your answers were these...

  • A: 3 - Steve's restaurant
  • B: 4 - Mussels
  • C: 1 - Snails and prawns with garlic
  • D: 6 - Desserts
  • E: 5 - A casserole
  • F: 2 - The market
...you were RIGHT!

  • Now listen to part 2 answer the questions in act. d in your notebooks/folders:

  • Use questions in act. e as a guide to write a short paragraph about you in your notebooks/ folders.
Grammar: Present simple and continuous. Action and non-action (stative) verbs

  • Do act. 6 a in your book with the following listening:

  • Now let´s go to page 132. Revise some grammar aspects and complete the activities below. 
  • Let's go back to page 7. Do act 6 d on your notebook/folder. 
  • Take a photo of the activities you did on your notebook/folder including the one on page 132 and send them to my mail. I'll correct them and give you feedback. (Remember to specify whether the activities belong to Class 1 or 2)

  • Practise  and learn some more about Present simple and Continuous, Action and non-action verbs on  GRAMMARWAY 3, pages 6 to 9. Circle the sentences you have doubt with and we'll discuss them when we see each other again.-
Next week you'll only have one class because Tuesday 24th is a PUBLIC HOLIDAY (feriado), so  Class 3 will be uploaded  on Thursday 26th. 




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