• Today we're going to work with page 8 in the STUDENT'S BOOK (SB) revising future forms but first think about the pictures at the top of the page, what do they have in common?...Yes, they show different family situations...
  • So now we're going to revise vocabulary related to family. 
  • Think about this activity:

  • As we can't get together and discuss, here is a solution...

  • Read about a survey, listen and complete the text:

  • Now let's concentrate in grammar. 

  • Let's see if you were right. Check your answers:
a- 1- Grandmother to grandson, they are talking about what he's going to do next year.
    2- Father to daughter, they're talking about where she's going and what she is doing.
    3- Son to mother,they are talking about if he can borrow her car.

b- A- 1     B- 3     C-1     D- 2        E- 3     F-2

c- a plan or intention: C
    an arrangement: D
    a prediction: B, F
    a promise: E
    an offer: A

d. Homework.
  • Here there's more information about different tenses that can be used to talk about the future. (GRAMMARWAY - pages 30, 31)

  • Try these exercises:
  • Let's work with pronunciation now. I know that there will be no teacher correcting but you can practise and improve a lot by listening to songs, watching the news or even films in English. 
  • We are going to concentrate in Sentence stress.

  • OK, that's all for today. but here is some homework for you to practise...
1- Write your opinion on these topics:

2- Talking about families,  use these questions as a guide to write a composition of about 100 words.

3- Page 7 WORKBOOK complete.

  • Now, let's finish the class with a song...


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