Welcome to our 10th lesson!
Today we're going to continue working with Present Perfect, but now with anew ingredient...

1. Let's go to the SB page 18 where you can see pictures under the title "Changing lives". Listen to an interview with Jane talking about a trip she made in 2008. Listen to PART 1, where did she go? What did she decide to do after the trip?

2. Listen again. What does Jane say about:
a- her normal life
b- the holiday to Uganda
c- what happened when the lorry broke down
d- the condition of the school
e- the children
f- what the headmaster asked her for

3- Now listen to part 2. Correct the wrong information in these sentences.

Let's read now some theory to work with PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS. (page 135 SB)

4. Let's practise! Fill in the gaps with recently, how long, yet, for , always, ever, already, since, so far and just. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1- Put the verbs in brackets into the PRESEN PERFECT SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS, using short forms where appropriate.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS:


1. She went to Africa- to Uganda and Rwanda.
    After the trip she decided to set up an organization to get money to build a new school.

a. She's a primary school teacher and a writer.
b. She went to Uganda in 2008 with her family to see the gorillas.
c. Lots of children appeared. They wanted to show Jane their school.
d. It was in a very bad condition- falling down / blackboards broken / not many desks. 
e. The children were very friendly. They were all different ages and they all wanted to learn the song (Head, shoulders, knees and toes). They learnt it very quickly.
f. The headmaster told them about the school. When Jane asked him what he needed he said they needed a new school.

1. Jane's husband...
2. 2010
3. 500 children
4. ...children's diet and health
5. children who don't have families
6. all three of Jane's children
7. it has given them hope
8. she gets more than she gives
9. Jane's son

2. How long / since
3. yet
4. just
5. for
6. ever
7. recently / yet
8. already
9. always
10. already
11. for
12. just


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