Welcome to our 13th lesson. Today we're going to practise listening.

1- Read the text and answer the questions: (Pages 26, 27 SB)

a- Which of these things  do you (or people you know) do when they are driving?

b- Which do you think are the most dangerous? Number them1-3 (1= the most dangerous)

c- Which one do you think is the least dangerous?

2- Now listen to a safety expert. Number the activities 1-7. Were your top three right?


3- Look at the statements below and decide whether you agree or disagree. Tick the ones you agree with and put a cross next to the ones you disagree with.

4- Think about your reasons for the above activity because in the zoom class we're going to discuss about them. Learn some expressions from this box:

5- Listen to a song and work with the activity (we're going to check it in the zoom class)

SONG: 500 MILES (audio)

Read the song facts and the glossary to help you understand the song better:

6- Read the lyrics again and answer the questions (We're going to check your answers in the zoom class)

a- Who is the singer singing to?

b- How do we know how the singer feels about this person?

c- Does he think their relationship will last for a long time? If so /not, where does it say this in the song?

d- What kind of things does he promise his partner?

1- Go to page 115 SB and work with the activities there. Write a magazine article and send it to my mail.


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