Hello and welcome to a new lesson! We're going to begin today's class by practising the use of gerunds and infinitives with and without TO.

1- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

2- Now, let's focus on the reading skill. Go to page 80 in the SB. Read the first paragraph of an article about the TV programme Dragon's Den. Answer the questions:

1- Who are the 'Dragons'?
2- What is their 'Den'?
3- How does the programme work?
4- Is there a similar TV programme in your country? How does it work?

3- Watch these videos:

Then read about three products that were presented on the show, a sauce (A), coffee tables (B), and suitcases for childfren (C). Which products...?

1- has been very successful although the Dragons didn't invest in it
2- was presented by a musician
3- became successful very quickly
4- has two different functions
5- combines history with practicality
6- is sold outside the UK.

4- Look at the highlighted words/ phrases in the text. Work out their meaning or use a dictionary to help you.

5- Learn this:

6- Say what the difference in meaning is between the pairs of sentences:

7- Look at the photos of two more products which were presented on 'Dragon's Den'. Listen and find out exactly what makes them special.

8- Listen again. Do you  think the Dragons invested in...? Why?

a- both of them
b- neither of them
c- one of them (which?)

9- Now listen to what happened. What influenced the Dragon's choice?

1- Go to page 120 in the SB. Do activities 8a, b, c and d. Send me your e-mail.
2- Read chapters 2 and 3 of STEVE JOBS and answer:
1- What was Steve's life like at Reed College?
2- How often did Steve attend classes?
3- What class in particular gave him an idea he further developed on his computers?
4- Who was Al Alcorn?
5- How old was Steve when he met Alcorn?
6- What did Steve learn when he went to India?
7- What did his boss at Atari ask him to do?
8- Why was Woz upset with Steve many years later?
9- How did Steve come up with the name 'Apple'?
10- How much money did Steve and Woz have to invest in their company?
11- How many people were involved in the production of the first Apple computers?
12- Why wasn't Apple I a success at the PC Fair?

1- What was Rod Holt's contribution to the Apple company?
2- Why did people keep saying 'no' to Steve's proposals?
3- What happened at the West Coast Computer Fair?
4- How important was Mike Scott in the Apple company? 
5- Who was Chris-Ann and what was her relationship with Steve?
6- What was the 'Lisa' and who was it named after?
7- What did it mean for Apple to become a 'public company'?

3- Read chapters 4, 5 and 6 for Thursday. We're going to discuss about them on zoom.


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